So,what is meanness? I'd like to correlate it with the act of snatching a candy out of the tiny sausage shaped fingers of a child.Now,I know the readers of this post would be frowning now,but friends,i discovered recently that being 'mean' is an extremely efficient way of grabbing attention and honor.Embarrass someone in front of public and you become a star!
Mr.Morgan is just an example among thousands who are gaining popularity for their arrogant and unforgiving nature, a vast majority of them being British.Maybe being nice,soft and sweet is old fashioned and I find that reality show Judges are taking full advantage of it.I actually think that people with attention deficit tend to be mean.Anyway Mr.Morgan wont complain,he seems to be enjoying his time in television and filling his already fat pockets.To be honest ,I'm a big fan of this handsome Englishman and its his meanness and straightforwardness that impressed me the most.